Adidas Originals, this time to create a new series of Winterized Pack new casual shoes. This series contains Superstar, Nizza, Hi Decade and Honey four new products, each pair of shoes with leather and canvas shoes and wine are formed, red or black color design as a whole, and the inside is added to the hair material, the thermal protection effect to the people better. Adidas Originals Winterized Pack will officially debut in the near future, is absolutely indispensable to you in the winter new products.
adidas Originals 2012 autumn / winter Winterized Pack new debut
adidas Originals 2012 autumn / winter Winterized Pack new debut
Adidas Originals 2012 autumn / winter Winterized Pack new debut
Adidas Originals 2012 autumn / winter Winterized Pack new debut
adidas Originals 2012 autumn / winter Winterized Pack new debut
this season James · Lebron (James LeBron) NBA high popularity explosion in be like a lion. Since the launch of LeBron Nike series of shoes sold worldwide. Even at Figure (doll) "Upper Deck" with Nike also can not wait to launch the "Deep-Fried Chicken with Chili Pepper" personal Figure, the implementation of a full range of "emperor Zi" bloodbath fans wallet.
, "emperor's son" (one person, four ornaments), the latest advertising image, I believe we have been watching television countless times! "Upper Deck" has produced their new product - the LeBron series dolls. The first section is the advertising of the athlete's image -- "All-Star Edition" - LeBron dolls dressed in uniforms (the two set), Zoom LeBron III All-Star Edition foot, 12 inches tall, chin up, arrogant. The product is limited to 750 copies and will be on sale at $44.99 per piece at 9:23 EDT on February 15th. As for the
advertising in the other 3 (wise Wise, white-collar Business, child Kid) will be listed in April, the doll "children" (that is, advertising has always wobbly street dance shoes are the) and athletes can exchange money.
from the picture, this series of toy packaging exquisite, detail excellent, "Upper Deck", after all, has produced many times, Jotun, O'neal and others Figure, quality assurance.